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Home | Vortech | 2005-10 Mustang Paxton Superchargers

Mustang Paxton Superchargers

2005-10 Mustang Paxton Superchargers" title="2005-10 Mustang Paxton SuperchargersFor over 50 years Paxton has been developing some of the best superchargers on the market. Our 05 Mustang turn key packages offer huge power gains at a great price. They include everything you need to make big power. Many 05 Mustangs bolt on our turn key package and a set of sticky tires and have an 11 second car!

2005 Mustang GT Paxton Supercharger 2006 Mustang GT Paxton Supercharger 2007 Mustang GT Paxton Supercharger 2008 Mustang GT Paxton Supercharger 2009 Mustang GT Paxton Supercharger 2010 Mustang GT Paxton Supercharger Paxton Novi 1200 Paxton Noiv 2200 Paxton Supercharger Brenspeed offers mustang supercharger install packages on all Ford Mustang supercharger s

Ordered the cold air and tuner combo. Best tune I have had. Really woke up my 5.0

- C. Faulkner

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